Performing Hypothesis Tests

Correlation Tests


  • Leckie Higher Applications Student Book – Chapter 9 – Exercise 9A
  • This N Rich activity can be used for exploring correlation, there is a dataset to download.
  • Have students import the following fishy dataset into R, and investigate if there is a linear regression between different variables. You need a free Kaggle account for this.
  • Life expectancy data from the WHO. (Kaggle)
  • This wine dataset can be used for linear regression too. It’s little trickier to use, you may have to use the “text to columns” feature on Excel to make the spreadsheets nice.

T-tests and Paired T-tests


  • Leckie Higher Applications Student Book – Chapter 9 – Exercise 9B
  • This N Rich activity can also be used for t-tests!
  • Using animals in research, wrong or necessary? This dataset (downloadable at the bottom of the page) looks at the gender difference, and features several questions for students to answer.
  • Is there a difference in the weights of babies depending on whether the mother is a smoker? Use this dataset to investigate!

Z-test for Two Proportions


  • Leckie Higher Applications Student Book – Chapter 9 – Exercise 9C
  • Cancer in dogs and exposure to herbicide. This dataset will let students produce tables, barcharts/pie-charts, and perform the hypothesis test.